Ultrasonic Cavitation

Cavitation liposuction is an innovative, non-surgical method for removing stubborn fat deposits. Using advanced ultrasonic technology operating at 30K/40k frequency, it targets and breaks down fat cells swiftly. Many clients have reported significant reductions in fat thickness after treatment. This technique combines various functions such as radio frequency, vacuum, or cryolipolysis to enhance results.

How does the Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment work?

Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment is a painless and secure procedure that helps individuals eliminate unwanted fat. It works by using low-frequency sound waves to target and break down fat cells. These cells then transition into proteins, converting into fatty acids and glycerol, which are naturally expelled from the body through metabolic processes.

Does Cavitation Removes Fat and Helps on Body Slimming?

Cavitation effectively removes fat and aids in body slimming by combining ultrasound cavitations with different Radio Frequencies. The ultrasound probe uses low-frequency light and sound waves to heat stored body fat, facilitating its dissolution and movement. Radio frequency further accelerates fat dissolution and promotes collagen production, resulting in tighter, smoother skin. The vacuum probe enhances the effectiveness of cavitation and radio frequency treatment.

What Will I Experience During And After The Procedure?

During the fat cavitation treatment, you may notice a gentle buzzing sound in the ear, signaling the vibration targeting fat cells. The skin may feel warm and appear red, especially if the RF vacuum function is used afterward. Some individuals may experience a mild headache, typically subsiding within 2-3 hours.

To optimize results, it's advised to avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption, as they can interfere with the lymphatic process responsible for metabolizing fatty acids. Following the treatment steps diligently is recommended, including drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in at least 30 minutes of walking every day.

Recommended Treatment Frequency:

  • Initial month: 1-2 treatments weekly

  • Second month: 1 treatment weekly

  • Third month: 1 treatment weekly for optimal results, with visible improvements typically observed after three months.


  • No, ultrasonic cavitation is typically a painless procedure. Patients may experience mild sensations such as warmth or tingling, but discomfort is minimal.

  • Common side effects are minimal and temporary, including slight redness or swelling. Serious side effects are rare. Your provider will guide you on post-treatment care.

  • No, ultrasonic cavitation is a relatively quiet procedure. Patients usually experience a low-frequency sound, but it is not disruptive or uncomfortable.

  • Yes, ultrasonic cavitation is versatile and can be applied to various body areas, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and more. Your provider will customize the treatment based on your goals.

  • Light exercise is encouraged post-treatment to enhance results. It helps in the natural elimination of fats. Consult with your provider for personalized post-treatment recommendations.

  • Results vary, but many individuals notice improvements after the first session. Optimal and more sustained results are typically achieved after a series of treatments. Svelté will discuss a recommended treatment plan during the consultation.


Cavitation Radio Frequency